From the Archives, Vol. 9
The fourth set of photographs from the archives highlights places associated with Krishnamurti during his lifetime. From the 1910s, Krishnamurti travelled extensively to all continents (barring Antarctica), at first as part of his education and then to hold talks and discussions. He spoke in over 600 locations, at first travelling by ship and train, then early passenger aircraft, and later by commercial airlines and car. Whilst not having a home as such, many of the schools and centres he established served this purpose over the decades, with Krishnamurti staying at each for a few weeks or months at a time. Krishnamurti never retired and continued to speak until the month before his death in the United States in February 1986. The photographs presented here are displayed according to location, principally Ojai in California, Brockwood Park in the UK, Adyar, Rajghat and Rishi Valley in India, Ommen in The Netherlands and Saanen in Switzerland.
Krishnamurti also held talks in major cities around the world. The following photographs highlight some of these venues and give an idea of the atmosphere at the talks.