Krishnamurti on Chattering

Episode Notes

Your mind is chattering and your mind is you. When you see the actual truth that you and the chattering are one, all your effort to change it comes to an end. Then what takes place?’

This week’s episode on Chattering has five sections.

The first extract (2:41) is from the fourth question and answer meeting in Ojai 1980, and is titled: Why Does the Mind Chatter?

The second extract (8:47) is from Krishnamurti’s fifth talk in Ojai 1978, and is titled: Chattering Takes Up Space.

The third extract (15:53) is from the first question and answer meeting at Brockwood Park in 1983, and is titled: Ending the Habit of Chattering.

The fourth extract (31:02) is from Krishnamurti’s fourth talk at Brockwood Park in 1979, and is titled: You and the Chattering Mind Are One.

The final extract in this episode (46:36) is from the sixth talk in Ojai 1976, and is titled: The Non-Chattering, Silent Mind.

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