Booklet: The Open Window of the Heart

Free booklet: Nobody Can Teach You About Yourself

The free booklet The Open Window of the HEART contains a selection of short quotes, universal and timeless, that represent many aspect of Krishnamurti’s teachings. Each selection, poetic in nature, is accompanied by a photograph of Krishnamurti, many of which were previously unpublished.

Booklet: Nobody Can Teach You About Yourself

Free booklet: Nobody Can Teach You About Yourself

The free booklet Nobody Can Teach You About Yourself is a collection of short and longer quotes representing the reach and depth of Krishnamurti’s teachings. Organised by categories, the format provides easy access to subjects of interest, where you will find a selection of carefully chosen quotes around that topic, interspersed with photographs from many eras of Krishnamurti’s life, hand-picked from our extensive archives.

Booklet: Reading the Book of Oneself

Free booklet: Nobody Can Teach You About Yourself

The booklet Reading the Book of Oneself is a relatable introduction to Krishnamurti’s vast body of work. Using the metaphor of reading a book, he unfolds the human condition chapter by chapter, suggesting a novel approach to understanding oneself, one’s life and our shared humanity.

Booklet: Krishnamurti – An Introduction

Free PDF audio and video directories

KrishnamurtI – AN INTRODUCTION serves as a good entry to the teachings. It includes a short biography, quotes, topical excerpts, a text by David Bohm, and the ‘Core of the teachings’.

Audio & Video Directories

Free PDF audio and video directories

Since the channel’s inception in 2006, Krishnamurti Foundation Trust has been responsible for managing the official international YouTube channel, producing its entire content of over 2,000 videos and audios. Every week, we publish a previously-unreleased full-length audio recording, and a new topical video extract.

To navigate the vast amount of material that is now available (completely free and without any adverts), we created four comprehensive PDF directories. The first lists all available translations – over 3,600 subtitles in more than 40 languages. The second contains links to and information on all our full-length audio and video productions. The third contains links to all our podcast episodes and audio & video extracts. The FOURTH lists Krishnamurti’s education talks and discussions, in full length and extracted form.

The Beginning of Freedom eBook

Free eBook: The Beginning of Freedom

The Beginning of Freedom is an elegantly-designed collection of 100 visual quotes by Krishnamurti, hand-picked by the Foundation staff. It is available to download for free using the above link.

If you are on a Windows computer, please download the free eBook reader Thorium to display the eBook correctly.