The Brockwood Fund is a permanent endowment fund that will allow for long-term financial planning and security for Krishnamurti Foundation Trust and the vital work occurring at Brockwood Park. It is structured to exist in perpetuity and will eventually help provide an annual income for the charity while building a corpus that will assist in protecting the core work and intentions for years to come.
You can also donate by calling +44 (0)1962 771744, emailing us, sending a cheque to Development Office, Krishnamurti Foundation Trust, Brockwood Park, Bramdean, Alresford SO24 0LQ, UK, or making a bank transfer to:
Krishnamurti Foundation Trust Ltd
Account No: 04128966 • UK Sort Code: 51-61-09
IBAN: GB67NWBK51610904128966 • SWIFT/BIC: NW BK GB 2L
Reference: BF23 • National Westminster Bank • Winchester Old Bank (A)
105 High Street, Winchester • SO23 9AW
Introduction to The Brockwood Fund
Will Brockwood be that place where people come, from the world, to listen to something? Do you understand what I mean by listen? Not just the wind among the leaves, but to listen to something very, very deep, to something that makes their own lives change…
Do you want such a place? Will you create such a place, put your shoulders to the plough and create it, not just invent it? It is in your hands. It’s in your hands, all of you.
Krishnamurti, October 1985
To put one’s ‘shoulder to the plough’ and create Brockwood, each and every day, requires commitment. Certainly amongst those living here, but also from those who care for it and support it from afar. As Krishnamurti prepared to leave Brockwood for the final time, he made clear the challenge: would there be people dedicated enough, with energy, determination and generosity of spirit to ensure Brockwood’s future and its special nature? To date, the answer is yes. Brockwood has flourished, thanks to many helping hands: ‘your hands, all of you’. In order to build on this success, and in the same spirit of meeting challenges fully, the Trustees of Krishnamurti Foundation Trust have now created The Brockwood Fund.

Brockwood IS A beautiful place with magnificent old trees surrounded by fields, meadows, groves and the quietness of the countryside. It must always be kept that way, for beauty is integrity, goodness and truth.
Krishnamurti, 1983
What is The Brockwood Fund?
The Brockwood Fund is a permanent endowment fund that will allow for long-term financial planning and security for Krishnamurti Foundation Trust and the vital work occurring across Brockwood Park. It is structured to exist in perpetuity, meaning that the donations it receives will go on working for the charity indefinitely. The Fund will eventually help provide a new annual income for KFT, while also building a corpus that will assist in protecting the core work and the intentions for years to come.
Why an endowment fund now?
The world has become an increasingly difficult and hostile place for small charities to operate within, yet Krishnamurti Foundation Trust at Brockwood has met the crises of recent years with vigour and resolve. We are determined that the intentions for Brockwood Park, as set out by Krishnamurti, will remain central to all that happens here. To help ensure this, we are endeavouring to future-proof the charity’s financial resources and to prepare for all eventualities. Thanks to careful and competent management, your kind support and unexpected legacies, the Trustees have decided the charity is now in a good position to launch The Brockwood Fund.
What did Krishnamurti say about an endowment?
In his final years, Krishnamurti repeatedly stated the importance of creating the financial security to ensure Brockwood Park would endure. One such statement, from 1983, appears in Mary Zimbalist’s diaries: ‘The estimate for the cost of the proposed study centre came, and it was prohibitively high. Krishnaji felt it was too expensive: “We need to build up endowment funds, not spend on buildings.”’ Fortunately, he changed his mind and the exceptional Krishnamurti Centre was built. But now, 40 years after his injunction, The Brockwood Fund is being created and Krishnamurti’s wishes will be met.
How will The Brockwood Fund be managed?
Following several years’ research into the operation of endowment funds in the UK, the Trustees passed a resolution in June 2022 and the Krishnamurti Foundation Endowment Fund (The Brockwood Fund) was established shortly after. This fund is an exclusively charitable special trust of the Krishnamurti Foundation Trust Ltd. The Trustees created an Investment and Endowment Committee whose members have extensive financial investment and endowment knowledge. The Committee will take decisions after considering available investment opportunities and the levels of financial risk that they represent. When appropriate, the Fund will use the services of professional investment managers. Assets will be held across a wide spectrum of asset classes with care given to ensure ethical investments.
What is the target for The Brockwood Fund?
Our initial target is £10 million. The Fund is set up to ensure the work of the charity continues indefinitely. The aim is to reinvest income back into the fund so that it can grow and reach the target, before withdrawing it to assist KFT in meeting critical costs and allow for improvements, while supporting its mission and work.
How will The Brockwood Fund be used?
Economic and political turmoil can impact funding for the core activities occurring at Brockwood. The Brockwood Fund will cushion our work from the effects of such adverse events and will enable the charity to better negotiate the many challenges that inevitably lie ahead. Funds will be used in line with the objectives of the charity, and will help preserve and carry into the future the legacy of Krishnamurti at Brockwood. This includes assisting the charity to continue to preserve and disseminate the teachings, offering student bursaries, and maintaining and improving the grounds and buildings.
Can I leave a legacy to The Brockwood Fund?
Yes, a legacy to The Brockwood Fund will carry on working indefinitely and help underpin the future of the teachings themselves. Legacies have provided vital funding for the work at Brockwood up to now and this will be further enhanced by the creation of the Fund. If you would like information about making such a legacy, do contact us; if you have already directed a legacy to Brockwood, the Trustees can ensure this goes to the Fund.
Is there money in The Brockwood Fund now?
At the time of writing – Spring 2024 – the Brockwood Fund is a year old and stands at £1 million. We regard this as an excellent start to this important initiative. Any assistance you can give to growing the Fund, now or in the future, is very welcome.
Thank you for your support
1968: Krishnamurti Foundation Trust is established

The beginning of Krishnamurti Foundation Trust (KFT) was first announced in this low-key statement read by Krishnamurti’s lawyer, Mr Rubinstein, before the second talk in Saanen, Switzerland 1968:
“Krishnamurti hopes that as a result of this public announcement, those who wish to be associated with his work and teachings will give support to the new, international Krishnamurti Foundation of London, England, whose activities will include a school. The Deed which establishes the Foundation ensures that Krishnamurti’s intentions will be respected.”
• Free to the World’ – the digitisation and release of nearly all Krishnamurti video & audio;
• Over 4,000 full-length audio, videos and extracts available advert-free on YouTube, with more than 50 million views generated in the last two years;
• A state-of-the-art website which is a fully-fledged curated repository of Krishnamurti’s teachings;
• More than 1,500 content releases on social media platforms per year, with over two million subscribers;
• Over 4,200 subtitled recordings of Krishnamurti available in more than 40 languages;
• Books printed in 60 languages, plus new books of unpublished material;
• Over 2 million downloads of Urgency of Change – The Krishnamurti Podcast;
• A purpose-built vault containing hundreds of video recordings, thousands of audios, transcripts, books, photographs, letters and articles.
THE FOUNDATIONS HAVE no authority in the matter of the teachings. The truth lies in the teachings themselves. The Foundations will see to it that these teachings are kept whole, are not distorted, are not made corrupt.
1969: Brockwood Park School is founded

We want to create a totally different kind of human being at Brockwood, who is neither English, French, German or Russian, who does not get caught in any belief or dogma, who only moves with ‘what is’ and with facts – a totally harmonious human being; harmony between mind, heart and body. That is, to have a very good mind, capable of thinking very clearly, which means we think together clearly with a sharp, clear brain; and also to have affection, love, kindliness, courtesy, considerateness, which is what is generally called the heart; and to have a good physical body. Otherwise, the mind, heart and body are not in harmony. The more the organism functions well and subtly, it naturally affects the brain. The brain must be extraordinarily awake, observing, and have the capacity to act harmoniously with what you feel and what you love.
Krishnamurti with Students and Staff
Brockwood, September 1972
• 70 students from around 24 countries attend, many receiving bursary assistance;
• A unique school: international, fully residential, vegetarian, Krishnamurti’s teachings at its heart;
• A generous bursary programme to make the school widely accessible;
A recent ISI inspection concludes: “Pupils have excellent attitudes to learning, supported by the school’s core intentions based on the teachings of Krishnamurti.”
Inwoods Small School was established nearby in 1997 by a group of Brockwood staff who wanted to create a small primary school founded on the educational teachings of Krishnamurti. Over 25 years later, Inwoods continues to provide a holistic, nature-based, inspiring education for local children aged between 4 and 11.
1987: The Krishnamurti Centre is opened

It must last a thousand years, unpolluted, like a river that has the capacity to cleanse itself, which means no authority whatsoever. The teachings in themselves have the authority of the truth.
Krishnamurti speaking of the study centres, 1984
• A unique building and atmosphere where there is a continuous movement of learning;
• Situated in the South Downs National Park amidst beautiful parkland and woods;
• Receiving annually hundreds of day and residential guests from around the world;
• An extensive range of Krishnamurti’s teachings in various formats and languages;
• A full programme of group retreats, individual retreats, retreats for young adults, retreats on education and foreign language retreats;
• An active volunteering programme;
• Comfortable and quiet ensuite guestrooms and excellent vegetarian or vegan meals.
There is a combination of airy space, emptiness and beauty, both architectural and natural (an early 19th-century park planted with magnificent trees).