Audio & Video: The Complete Collection
Fortunately, most of the conversations and dialogues between Krishnamurti were recorded, either on audio or video. We have compiled these on our official YouTube channel.
Audio & Video: Series Highlights
The Transformation of Man: This video series from 1976 is one of the most popular series of Krishnamurti discussions. Bohm and Krishnamurti were joined by psychiatrist David Shainberg and together they inquired into topics such as awareness of being fragmented, the disorderly mechanical way of living, whether we can change at the very root of our being, aloneness and complete security, images and relationships, and the sacredness of life. Watch
The Ending of Time: These dialogues between J. Krishnamurti and David Bohm took place in America and in England between April and September 1980. They start by addressing the origin of human conflict. Both men agree in attributing this to the separative and time-bound nature of the self and the way that it conditions us to rely wrongly on thought, which is based on inevitably limited past experience. The possibility of insight that will end this flawed mentality was discussed in depth. The focus then shifts to an inquiry into the significance of death, and to a discussion probing the “ground” of being and the place of consciousness in the universe. The final dialogues reviewed the profound linkage that Krishnamurti and Bohm saw between these ultimate questions and everyday life, and what we can do about the barriers that stand in the way. Watch/Listen
The Limits of Thought: A series of penetrating dialogues between Krishnamurti and David Bohm. The starting point of their engaging exchanges is the question: if truth is something totally different from reality, then what place has action in daily life in relation to truth and reality? We see Krishnamurti and Bohm exploring the nature of consciousness and the condition of humanity. These enlightening dialogues address issues of truth, desire, awareness, tradition and love. Watch
The Future of Humanity: David Bohm: ‘These two dialogues took place three years after a series of similar dialogues between Krishnamurti and myself, which appeared in the book The Ending of Time. Therefore they were inevitably profoundly affected by what had been done in these earlier dialogues. In a certain sense, therefore, both sets of dialogues deal with closely related questions. Of course, The Ending of Time can, because of its much greater length, go into these questions in a more thorough and extensive way. Nevertheless, these two dialogues stand by themselves; they approach the problems of human life in their own way and provide important additional insights into these problems. Moreover, I feel they are easier to follow and may therefore usefully serve as an introduction to The Ending of Time.
The starting point for our discussions was the question “What is the future of humanity?” This question is by now of vital concern to everyone, because modern science and technology are clearly seen to have opened up immense possibilities of destruction. It soon became clear as we talked together that the ultimate origin of this situation is in the generally confused mentality of mankind, which has not changed basically in this respect throughout the whole of recorded history and probably for much longer than this. Evidently, it was essential to inquire deeply into the root of this difficulty if there is ever to be a possibility that humanity will be diverted from its present very dangerous course.’ Watch
The Nature of the Mind: In April 1982 the first of four hour-long discussions took place on ‘The Nature of the Mind’ between Krishnamurti, David Bohm, John Ridley, a psychiatrist in private practice in Ojai, and Rupert Sheldrake who was at this time a consultant to the International Crops Institute in Hyderabad. The first discussion was on the roots of psychological disorder; the second on psychological suffering; the third on the need for security; the fourth on what is a healthy mind?. These discussions, video-recorded in colour, had been sponsored by the Robert E. Simon Foundation, a private body giving substantial grants towards the furthering of mental health. There were immediate requests for these tapes from various university and training centres throughout the country who could either buy or borrow them to show. They were also shown on several Cable TV stations, including New York. Watch
Early Discussions – Thought, Stillness and Time: Apart from private meetings which were not recorded, the earliest recorded interactions between Krishnamurti and David Bohm were at the public meetings in London in 1961 and 1963. However, in 1965 Bohm was invited to attend small group discussions in Gstaad, in which he features prominently. The title of the series is Thought, stillness and time. Subjects discussed include ‘Is thought detrimental?’ ‘Am I aware of the process of thinking?’ ‘What will make me see that thought breeds frustration?’ ‘From where do attachment and detachment come?’ ‘Complete stillness’, and ‘When the mind is completely quiet, how can there be time?’ Watch
Truth and Actuality: The book opens with three discussions taken from a longer series with well-known physicist David Bohm. In the main part of the book, Krishnamurti considers how man’s consciousness has misconceptions about the “me”, or the ego. Krishnamurti says, ‘You cannot go through reality to come to truth; you must understand the limitation of reality, which is the whole process of thought.’ Truth and Actuality consists of both talks and dialogues by Krishnamurti. The dialogues deal with the problem of truth, the actuality in which we live as perceived by the senses, reality as appears to our consciousness, and the relationship between them. PURCHASE
The Ending of Time: This classic book is a series of important and enlightening dialogues in which Krishnamurti and David Bohm – men from vastly different backgrounds – discuss profound existential questions that illuminate the fundamental nature of existence, probing topics such as insight, illusion, awakening, transcendence, renewal, morality, the temporal and the spiritual. Along the way, Krishnamurti and Bohm, who held conversations over many years, culminating in this book, explore one’s relationship to society and offer new insights on thought, death, awakening, self-realisation, the problem of the fragmented mind, the purity of compassion, love and an intelligence that originates beyond thought and time. This book clarifies in great depth many of the themes in Krishnamurti’s teachings. PURCHASE
The Limits of Thought: This book is made up of a series of penetrating dialogues between the two men. Their conversations shed further light on their challenging explorations into the nature of consciousness and the condition of humanity. The starting point of their engaging exchanges is the question: if truth is something totally different from reality, then what place has action in daily life in relation to truth and reality? These enlightening dialogues address issues of thought, desire, awareness, tradition and love. This is an important book by two respected figures. Anyone interested in seeing how Krishnamurti and Bohm probe some of the most essential questions of our very existence will be drawn to this work. PURCHASE